Each student in this class will focus on researching a topic related to First Nations issues, stories or events and decide as a group which topic is of the greatest significance to them as a group. They will create a 5-10 minute documentary on the topic decided upon. Each student will take on some type of leadership role, learn to work as a team and lead daily group assignments and responsibilities. This class may require leaving Four Directions during class time to capture interviews or b roll for their group project when needed.
Students will express themselves through the art of video, music or photography. Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate competency in the following areas:
•digital arts vocabulary;
•formal elements and principles;
•operation of multimedia computer software;
Strand 1: Artistic Foundation
Standard 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of the art area.
Standard 2. Demonstrate knowledge and use of the technical skills of the art form including technology when applicable.
Strand 2: Create/Make
Standard 1: Create/make in a variety of contexts in the art area using the artistic foundations.
Strand 4: Respond/Critique
Standard 1: Respond to and critique a variety of creations or performances using the artistic foundations.