5th hour (2:00 – 2:50 Monday through Thursday)
*Parenting styles
*Stress Management
*Child Development
*Attachment and Bonding
*Healthy Relationships
*Finding Child Care
This course is designed to assist pregnant and parenting students to gain the necessary skills and supports to become successful parents. Topics will include classic parenting skills, such as discipline, child development and nutrition. Additionally, supplemental topics such as housing, employment and budgeting skills will be discussed. Class participants will be able to give feedback about their specific topics of interest to be included in the curriculum. The subject matter will be explored in various ways including discussion, writing, videos, speakers, games, activities, and projects.
Grading for this course will be based on participation. Participation includes being alert, completing assignments, participating in activities and being active in group discussions. Each class period will be worth 10 points total. If you miss a class, make-up work can be arranged for a portion of the points possible.